Michigan Snowmobile Clubs
& Current Club Patches
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
Dedicated to past and present Michigan Snowmobile Clubs; individual members. Thank you all who contribute to this project: Michigan Departments of LARA and Natural Resources, Michigan County Clerk Offices, Michigan Snowmobile Clubs, Top of the Lake Snowmobile Museum, West Michigan Snowmobile Museum, Chippewa Motors, The Winning Edge Magazine, Aaron J, Alan K, Albert S, Allen K, Barry S, Ben R, Benny M, Betty R, Bill M, Bob C, Bob L, Bob H, Brad L, Brad P, Brad S, Brian B. Sr, Brian D, Brian R, Brian W, Calvin S, Catattak Ryan, Cathy H, Chad L, Charles U, Cliff S, Corey H, Craig C, cwarren, Dan H, Dan M, Dana W, Daniel L, Dave B, Dave B (2nd), Dave D, David M, David S, David S., David T, Della, Dennis H., Derek P, Diane O.T., Don K, Doug L, Ed K, Edward J, Erik M, Frank P, Gary K, Garry B, George F, George P, Greg B, Heidi S, Herm & Joann L, Jim P, Jim W, Jeff M, Jeff S, Jenn G, Jeremy K, Joe B, Joe R, John J, John & Karen L, John M, John V, John W, Johnny S, Karen B J, Kenny M, Kevin H, Kevin M, Kevin T, Kristy K, Lee W, Lorri ST, Luke P, Lumpy59, Mark B, Mark H, Mark K, Mark R, Mark S, Michael A, Mickey M, Mike G, Mike H, Mike O, Pat M, Mike S, ML, Moose N, Nancy S, Nancy T, Nick L, Nick P, Phillip S, Rich C, Roadtrip P, Rob M, Robert B, Robert Carl J, Roger J, Ron K, Scott S, Shane V, Steve and Sherry L, Steven K, Tim R, Todd, Tom A, Tom G, Tom & Linda D, William A S, World Snowmobile Headquarters, Max and Sharon McDonald Find and Shine Vintage, and the late Bud Knapp for his inspiration.