Snowmobile Michigan
Since 1999 Michigan's Snowmobile Sledquarters © for Antique, Vintage, Classic, Historic, and Late-Model Snowmobiles and Over The Snow (OSV) Vehicles. Snowmobile Events Calendar, Michigan History Site for Snowmobiles, OSVs, ATVs, Mini-Bikes, and Sleighs. Historic and Current Michigan Snowmobile Clubs and Races listing with Badges, Logos, Patches, Pins, and Pinbacks. Mercury Twister Snowmobile Registry. Home for oldski-doosleds.
History of
So what do snowmobiles got to do with the word Teshio? Good question! In 1999, Teshio Consulting (TC) and the website were formed. The owner's favorite place in the world is the beach town of Teshio, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. The name comes from the Japanese word Teshio. Te is for Heaven and shio for salt. Meaning where the sky meets the sea. TC focus of we'll always give world class service from the Heavens to the Earth fit with the name. In 1999, the owner missed a snowmobile event close to home because didn't know about it. Quickly identifying there was no way beyond magazines and newspapers to get the word out a section of the Teshio website was dedicated to event point-of-contacts across North America to help them spread the word; for attendees to plan. When the owner retired years later the website was retained and most of the content changed to focus on snowmobile disciplines in Michigan. To this day the events page is still one of the most popular snowmobile web pages in the world. As we enter into 2025, we start with a totally rebuilt website If anyone can help add to these pages from events to documenting Made in Michigan Snowmobile, OSV, Mini-Bike, ATV, and Sled Sleigh history for others to enjoy and to capture history, please see contact info at the bottom. Thank you to all who have contributed in the past and future.